By registering to our loyalty system on the website, you automatically receive a 5% discount on accommodation. And that is far from all! After registration, an email with a bar code will be sent to everyone in turn, which you can easily keep in your messages.
However, if this option is not suitable for you, we have another solution. Thanks to the free STOCARD (newest KLARNA) application, available for iOS and Android, you can create a digital loyalty card. You enter the name “Strachan Resort” in the search engine, scan (or write down) your bar code from your email and you can start taking full advantage of our design card in all our establishments.
WARNING! Discounts can be combined with current resort discounts, so it’s really great to use them throughout our resort. We started this loyalty system at the end of 2022 and we already have over 3500 satisfied members, which we are very grateful for.